
OH MY.... shuga eye treats

How would you like spending your summer on one of these? I know I would.
Drool.... :-P


The Future of Food

This documentary reinforces everything I am scared about and also points to what I have been thinking about: a lifestyle where I can move away from the system a little bit. Whatever that means... I'm feeling slow today.... Hopefully I will get paid to work in the greenhouse at school, I also want to start composting.
Growing things is FUN!


Butterflys in Student Show

Butterfly installation in student show last week!


Final project for Life Drawing, behind the drawing is a projection of my hands pulling back and forth.


Photoshop/Darkroom Collages, combining darkroom and digital processes

Collaged polyvore and internet flotsum pictures together on photoshop then inverted that image and made a negative by copying with a photocopy machine, then layed myself onto the photopaper in the darkroom...after that put my pretend negative images on top. This process is fun, I like combining both digital and darkroom processes. Thinkin about: Polyvore, Youtube, the Individual, and the INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!! How is the internet changing things? I guess I want to thank the internet for giving me an audience. Also, side note: you really know television is boring when all they can talk about is stuff in internet land. Internet killed the... tv star?